Troubleshooting Guide 5 Common Network Cabling Problems Explained.

Are constant connectivity issues causing your productivity to take some major dips?
Surprisingly, the last thing that most people would blame in such a situation is network cabling issues. Most people troubleshoot connectivity issues and software issues but ignore cable issues!
However, improper network cabling is actually more common than you think and might just be the root of your problem! So, what are some of the most common network cabling problems that you need to keep an eye out?
Your Cables Are Not Installed In The Right Manner
This is perhaps one of the most frequent problems that people encounter, and it is easily preventable. If you find that there is constant interference in your data transmission, then check to see how your network cables have been installed. It is important to have an IT company to help you with this type of problem.
Are they running perpendicular to electric cables? Then don’t fret, your cables have been installed properly! If you’re still experiencing an issue, then you might have to keep digging till you get to the root of the problem.
Are your network cables running parallel to electric cables? Aha, you’ve found your culprit! All you have to do is run them perpendicular to each other, and you’re good to go!
Another common mistake that people commit when they install cables is running them near devices that cause interference. If data interference is the issue, you might want to check any electrical or magnetic devices near your cables. Just free up space around your cables, and that should take care of the problem!
You Are Using Outdated Cables
Have you been using the same network cables for more than five years? Then you might want to check to see if your cables have gotten outdated or not.
The truth is that cables that have been outdated are simply incapable of carrying high amounts of bandwidth anymore. This can lead to an incredible slow-down in connectivity, especially if several users are connected to the same network.
Another thing to look out for is the kind of applications you and your team use regularly. If you are using applications that are heavy on bandwidth usage, then your problems are likely going to aggravate as well.
The solution, however, is quite simple. All you need to do is replace your outdated cables, and you should immediately experience faster internet and fewer downtimes.
You Don’t Control Room Temperature
The fastest way to wear down a network cable is through excessive heat. If your office is one that constantly heats up, then the constantly high temperatures might be your culprit. If you find that overheating is the problem here, then installing air conditioners would do the trick!
Another common thing to keep an eye out for is moisture in the air. It is also crucial that you keep moisture away from your network at all costs. This is because not only can moisture lead to network failure, but it can also put your workers in a dangerous situation. If atmospheric moisture is bothering your cables, you might want to invest in a dehumidifier to take care of the problem.
You Are Using An Incompatible Connector
Have you just invested in a high-quality cable that has been consistently failing to deliver the kind of performance levels you expected from it? Instead of blaming your cable provider, you might want to check up on your plugs, jacks, and connectors first.
For all you know, an incompatible connector might just be the problem here. If this is the case, your best bet would be to get a connector from the same company you got your cables from.
Getting cables and connectors from the same manufacturer would take care of all your compatibility issues. It would also resolve any glitches and slow-downs you might have been facing in your network until now.
You Didn’t Plan Well During The Installation Phase
When installing cables, inexperienced people might be forgiven for not factoring in things like floor plans and the age of the building. However, poor planning might cause several network problems down the line.
For instance, you might be experiencing problems because you failed to realize that a cubicle office needs different cabling than an open floor office.
Another common mistake that people make is failing to factor in the growth of the business.
You might have just added in a bunch of new people and equipment to your office space. While this is great for business, it might not be so good for your cable network. The extra additions might be causing some changes to your network that causes slow-downs and loss of connectivity.
The age of the building matters a lot as well. Modern buildings are more equipped to route cables, with features such as raised flooring and hollow walls. However, old buildings do not have such features, which might cause several issues.
If you find that this is the case, you might want to call in some experts. They would be able to work around these factors to provide you with a fast and glitch-free network.