A guide to solving missing vcruntime140.dll errors

It might be a game or software when one receives the message “vcruntime140.dll not found.” error. It indeed becomes frustrating to the user to continue amidst these errors. This vcruntime140.dll is a dynamic link library that is available in the Microsoft C++ Redistributable Package. Often, it is installed on the system automatically upon extraction of new software or games. However, there are a plethora of reasons why people face this error. Here are a few reasons and how one can tackle these problems.
Causes of error
i) Missing – The most common error faced is that of the missing .dll file. In most cases, the file gets misplaced during installation, and the applications cannot find it. In some cases, it might also be deleted by the user unintentionally. Uninstallation of a few applications that support this library can cause this error. It is very prevalent in Windows operating systems for users to face this error. It is not an alarming issue and can be solved quite easily.
ii) Deprecated or corrupt files – Files might become deprecated upon installation of newer versions of software. They might not update entries in the registry. As a result, this leads to corruption of the file. The system does not recognize the file and gives an error message as there is no entry of the updated version of the library.
iii) Malware – Malware and viruses are also one of the reasons why this error occurs. In such cases, the virus tends to infect the system files of the user. As a result, this might lead to vital files essential to the successful functioning of the application being deleted or going corrupt. Solving this might be slightly trickier than the others.
Solutions to the missing file error
There is a multitude of ways to solve this error. Here are the simplest methods of approaching it.
i) Reinstalling the software – The easiest way to tackle this error is to reinstall the software. In most cases, the software has had an incorrect installation by users unaware of the intricacies. Registry, Directory, and Custom installations might result in the causing of this error. A quick fix is actually to uninstall the application and all its related files and have a fresh installation from scratch.
ii) System Restore – System restore is another simple solution to this issue. Windows OS comes with a Backup and Restore feature. Before the installation of heavy applications, the system automatically creates a backup point. The user has to navigate to this point and restore the system when every application functions like clockwork.
iii) Download the file – Finally, another easy way to solve this error is to download the file from a trusted source. This solution is again trickier, as amateurs might get sidetracked to websites that spread malware. The user can navigate to the Directory indicated on the error message and paste the downloaded file.
As observed, one can see that the issue vcruntime140.dll not found is not tragic. Windows-based operating system users come across this quite often. With the advent of Windows 11, many users planning to switch to this OS are concerned. However, one does not need to ponder on such issues. These solutions are simple, quick, and have a high success rate. It is also noteworthy to mention that these solutions are basic features offered by the Windows operating system and can solve errors that users face daily. An adept user may find trickier solutions to these issues. However, this is the best-case scenario as these solutions are simple to understand and easy to perform.